Fractional Order Modeling of PWR Pressurizer Dynamics and Fractional Order Nonlinear H∞ Controllers Design in LabVIEW

Fractional Order PWR Pressurizer Dynamics and Control


  • Arshad Habib Malik Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission
  • Aftab Ahmad Memon Mehran University of Engineering and Technology
  • Feroza Arshad Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission, Karachi, Pakistan
  • Mehwish Shaikh Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, Jamshoro, Pakistan



Fractional Order, Neural Estimation, PWR Pressurizer, Robust Controller, LabVIEW


The novel fractional order intelligent transient dynamics and advanced fractional order nonlinear robust control synthesis scheme of the Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) pressurizer are addressed in this research work. The Graphical User Interface (GUI) is designed for closed-loop model-based PWR pressurizer dynamical studies in LabVIEW. Based on the demand for power, the reactor power and turbine power are predicted using a fractional order back propagation algorithm in an open loop configuration. Using turbine power and heater power as input variables, pressurizer level, pressurizer pressure and coolant average temperature as output variables, the open loop multiinput multi-output (MIMO) dynamic model of pressurizer is estimated using fractional order artificial intelligence in LabVIEW. Four fractional order robust nonlinear H∞ sub-controllers are designed for charging flow, spray flow, proportional heaters power and backup heaters power. All the dynamic controller models are in fractional order nonlinear H∞ framework and are designed in LabVIEW. The performance of the proposed design work is evaluated in closed loop configuration at 100 %, 75 % and 15 % in steady state conditions. Dynamic transient analysis is performed from 100 % to 90 % power reduction scenario and found satisfactory and within design limits and robust bounds.


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How to Cite

Arshad Habib Malik, Aftab Ahmad Memon, Feroza Arshad, & Mehwish Shaikh. (2022). Fractional Order Modeling of PWR Pressurizer Dynamics and Fractional Order Nonlinear H∞ Controllers Design in LabVIEW: Fractional Order PWR Pressurizer Dynamics and Control. Proceedings of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences: A. Physical and Computational Sciences, 59(3), 17–25.



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