Spatio-temporal Assessment of Productivity in Pehur Main Canal System, Pakistan
Spatio-temporal Assessment of Productivity
Pehur Main Canal system, Spatio-temporal Productivity, Irrigated agriculture, Area Productivity, Kharif MianaAbstract
This study aimed at assessment of productivity in Pehur Main Canal system on Spatio-temporal basis. The water appropriation is based on warabandi scheduling system. The data for this study was collected from official record of irrigation department and field survey. Productivity is assessed on a scale of zero to one (0-1), one represents maximum productivity and zero indicates nil productivity. The analysis revealed most of productivity values closer to zero. Temporally productivity is better in Rabi season than Kharif Miana (dry summer season). On spatial scale, the productivity in both Rabi and Kharif Miana seasons is random in most of secondary canals. In majority of canals, the productivity is better in the middle and tail sections then the respective heads and tails. This situation shows lack of operational maintenance of the irrigation scheme. Findings of this study can be used to rectify the operational management of the irrigation system to enhance productivity.
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