Case Study of Detailed Settlement Analysis of an Old Residential Building within Lahore Fort, Pakistan
Settlement Analysis of an old building
Settlement, Soil investigation, Non-engineering fill, Foundation, Shear cracks, Lahore Fort-PakistanAbstract
This study deals with settlement analysis of a single story old residential building constructed inside the Lahore fort, Pakistan. It was constructed on non-engineering fill and it exhibited major differential settlement. The building started to exhibit cracking and was rendered unserviceable in 2009. The building has to be demolished for the new proposed structure. Crack mapping was performed to get an idea about the prevailing structural condition of the building. Precise leveling was carried out to determine the exact amount of differential settlement in various parts of the building and its surrounding area. Soil investigation was carried out to determine the depth of the non-engineering fill and any other factors that contributed to the excessive settlement of the building. The engineering properties of the associated soil samples were determined. Finite element analysis was carried out using computer aided software to suggest different foundation solutions for the site. A cost analysis was also carried out for the decided remedy.
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