Assessment of Energy Generating Enzyme Activities in Seedlings Grown in Hydrocarbons-Treated Soil

Hydrocarbons alter activities of respiratory enzymes


  • Fidelis Ifeakachuku Achuba Department of Biochemistry, Delta State University, P.M.B. 1, Abraka


Cowpea, Maize, Hydrocarbons, Enzymes, Soil


The damaging potency of hydrocarbons on natural and cultivated crops in petroleum-producing areas of the world is voraciously documented. This research investigated the noxiousness of hydrocarbons on aerobic and anaerobic enzymes using seedlings of cowpea and maize as a model. Viable seeds of these food crops were planted in soil treated with different concentrations of various hydrocarbons. Each group was prepared five times and six groups were constituted. The setup was watered daily. After growth periods, the activities of succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) in the seedlings were determined using standard methods at four days interval up to twelve days after planting. The data produced was subjected to analysis of variance for comparisons. The presence of the various hydrocarbons in soil significantly (P<0.01) and reciprocally altered the activities of the respiratory enzymes in the leaves of the seedlings: decreased succinate dehydrogenase activity but increased activity of lactate dehydrogenase. Kerosene polluted soil was more potent than the other hydrocarbons investigated. It is evident from the study that hydrocarbons in soil predispose plants to anaerobic energy production, as a way of energy generation,to enable them to survive hydrocarbon toxicity.


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How to Cite

Achuba, F. I. . (2020). Assessment of Energy Generating Enzyme Activities in Seedlings Grown in Hydrocarbons-Treated Soil: Hydrocarbons alter activities of respiratory enzymes. Proceedings of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences: B. Life and Environmental Sciences, 57(1), 37–42. Retrieved from



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