Author Guidelines

                                                                   Instructions for Authors

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  1. Manuscript Writing

 The manuscript may contain a Title, Abstract, Keywords, INTRODUCTION, MATERIALS AND METHODS, RESULTS, DISCUSSION (or RESULTS AND DISCUSSION), CONCLUSIONS, ETHICAL STATEMENT (if applicable), ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS, CONFLICT OF INTEREST and REFERENCES, and any other information that the author(s) may consider necessary.

Title (Bold and font size 16): The title should be expressive, concise, and informative to the entire readership of the journal. It may include common terms, to make it more identifiable when people search online. Please avoid the use of long pervasive terms and non-standard or obscure abbreviations, acronyms, or symbols.

Abstract (font size 10, max 250 words): Must be self-explanatory, stating the rationale, objective(s), methodology, main results, and conclusions of the study. Abbreviations, if used, must be defined on the first mention in the Abstract as well as in the main text. Abstracts of review articles may have a variable format. 

Keywords (font size 10): Provide five to eight keywords consisting of words and phrases that are closely associated with the topic depicting the article. 

INTRODUCTION (font size 11): Provide a clear and concise statement of the problem, citing relevant recent literature, and objectives of the investigation. Cite references in the text by number in square brackets, the reference must be cited in a proper English sentence [1]. or “... as previously described [3, 6–8]”. For a single author: Bednorz [2] investigated the environmental pollution ... When there are only two authors: Bednorz and Allan [2] investigated the environmental pollution ... and for three or more authors: Bednorz et al. [2] investigated the environmental pollution ..; and list them in the REFERENCES section, in the order of citation in the text.

MATERIALS AND METHODS (font size 11): Provide an adequate account of the procedures or experimental details, including statistical tests (if any), concisely but sufficiently enough to replicate the study. Relevant references to methodology must be cited.

RESULTS (font size 11): Be clear and concise with the help of appropriate Tables, Figures, and other illustrations. Data should not be repeated in Tables and Figures but must be supported with statistics. The data presented in Tables and Figures must be elaborated in the main text.

DISCUSSION (font size 11): Provide interpretation of the RESULTS in the light of previous relevant studies, citing published references.

CONCLUSIONS (font size 11): Briefly state the implication of your study findings, and carefully address the study questions. Confine your conclusions according to the objectives of your study and the aspects covered in the abstract. Discuss both positive and negative findings.

ETHICAL STATEMENT (font size 10): The statement of ethical approval by an appropriate ethics committee or review board must be included in the manuscript (if applicable), as per the Journal’s policy.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: (font size 10): In a brief statement, acknowledge the financial support and other assistance. 

CONFLICT OF INTEREST (font size 10): State if there is any conflict of interest.

REFERENCES (font size 10): References must be listed in numerical order as listed in the main text. Only published (and accepted for publication) journal articles, books and book chapters, conference proceedings, online reports, a degree thesis, and materials available on the website qualify for REFERENCES. 

Declaration: Provide a declaration that: (i) the results are original, (ii) the same material is neither published nor under consideration for publication elsewhere, (iii) approval of all authors has been obtained, and (iv) in case the article is accepted for publication, its copyright will be assigned to the Pakistan Academy of Sciences. Authors must obtain permission to reproduce, where needed, copyrighted material from other sources and ensure that no copyrights are infringed upon.

  1. Manuscript Formatting 

Manuscripts must be submitted in Microsoft Word (Latest Version .doc or .docx format); pdf files are not acceptable. Figures can be submitted separately in TIFF, GIF, JPEG, EPS, or PPT.  Manuscripts, in Times New Roman, 1.15 spaced (but use single-space for Tables, long headings, and long captions of tables and figures). The Manuscript sections must be numbered, i.e., 1. INTRODUCTION, 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS, and so on… (a) Title of the article (Capitalize the initial letter of each main word, font-size 16, bold), max 160 characters (no abbreviations or acronyms), depicting article’s contents; (b) Author’s complete name (font size 12, bold), and professional affiliation (i.e., each author’s Department, Institution, Mailing address, and Email and Contact number, but no position titles) (font size 12); (c) Indicate the corresponding author with *; and (d) Short running title, max 50 characters (font size 10).  

Headings and Subheadings (font size 11): All flush left 


Level-2: Capitalize Each First Letter (Except prepositions); Bold 

Level-3: Capitalize the first letter only (Sentence case); Bold, Italic  

Level-4: Run-in head; Italics, in the normal paragraph position. Capitalize the first letter only and end in a colon (i.e., :

A list of REFERENCES must be prepared as under: 

aJournal Articles (Name of journals must be stated in full)

  1. J. Rashid, A. Ahsan, M. Xu, I. Savina, and F. Rehman. Synthesis of cerium oxide embedded perovskite type bismuth ferrite nanocomposites for sonophotocatalysis of aqueous micropollutant ibuprofen. RSC Advances 13(4): 2574-2586 (2023).
  2. A. Fayyaz, N. Ali, Z.A. Umar, H. Asghar, M. Waqas, R. Ahmed, R. Ali, and M.A. Baig. CF-LIBS based elemental analysis of Saussurea simpsoniana medicinal plant: a study on roots, seeds, and leaves. Analytical Sciences 40(3): 413-427 (2024).
  3. W. Bialek and S. Setayeshgar. Cooperative sensitivity and noise in biochemical signaling. Physical Review Letters 100: 258–263 (2008).

b. Books 

  1.  W. R. Luellen (Ed.). Fine-Tuning Your Writing. Wise Owl Publishing Company, Madison, WI, USA (2001).
  2. U. Alon and D.N. Wegner (Eds.). An Introduction to Systems Biology: Design Principles of Biological Circuits. Chapman & Hall/CRC, Boca Raton, FL, USA (2006).

c. Books Chapters 

  1. M.S. Sarnthein, J.E. Smolen, and J.D. Stanford. Basal sauropodomorpha: historical and recent phylogenetic developments. In: The Northern North Atlantic: A Changing Environment. P.R. Schafer and W. Schluter (Eds.). Springer, Berlin, Germany pp. 365–410 (2000). 
  2. S. Brown and L.A. Boxer. Functions of Europhiles. In: Hematology, (4th ed). W.J. Williams, E. Butler, and M.A. Litchman (Eds.). McGraw Hill, New York, USA pp. 103–110 (1991).

d. Reports

  1. M.D. Sobsey and F.K. Pfaender. Evaluation of the H2S method for Detection of Fecal Contamination of Drinking Water. Report No.-WHO/SDE/WSH/02.08. Water Sanitation and Health Programme, WHO, Geneva, Switzerland (2002).  

e. Online References

These should specify the full URL for reference, please check again to confirm that the work you are citing is still accessible:

  1. UNESCO. Global Education Monitoring Report 2024/5: Leadership in education-Lead for learning. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, Paris, France (2024).
  2. L.M. Highland and P. Bobrowsky. The landslide handbook-A guide to understanding landslides. Circular 1325. US Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia (2008).

f. Conference Proceedings

  1. M. Khalid, A.B. Majid, F. Mansour, and C.R. Smith. Word Representations with Recursive Neural Networks for Morphology. 27th European Conference on Signal Processing, (2nd - 6th September 2021), Madrid, Spain (2021).

g. A Degree Thesis

  1. M. Afzal. Investigation of structural and magnetic properties of nanometallic Fe-Mn Alloys. Ph.D. Thesis. Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan (2023).

Tables: Insert all tables as editable text, not as images. Number tables consecutively following their appearance in the text. A concise but self-explanatory heading must be given. Tables should be numbered according to the order of citation (like Table 1.Table 2. (font size 10)). Do not abbreviate the word "Table" to "Tab.". Round off data to the nearest three significant digits. Provide essential explanatory footnotes, with superscript letters or symbols keyed to the data. Do not use vertical or horizontal lines, except for separating column heads from the data and at the end of the Table. 

Figures: In the main text write Figure, not Fig. Figures may be printed in two sizes: column width of 8.0 cm or page width of 16.5 cm; In the Figure caption, number them as Fig. 1.Fig. 2. Captions to Figures must be concise but self-explanatory (font size 10). Laser-printed line drawings are acceptable. Do not use lettering smaller than 9 points or unnecessarily large. Photographs must be of high quality. A scale bar should be provided on all photomicrographs.  All Figures should have sufficiently high resolution (minimum 300 dpi) to enhance the readability. Figures as separate files in JPG or TIFF format may be provided.


The following list will be useful during the final checking of an article before submission to the journal.

  1. Manuscript in MS Word format
  2. Cover Letter
  3. Novelty Statement
  4. Copyright Form
  5. Figures in JPG or TIFF format

In case of any difficulty while submitting your manuscript, please get in touch with:

Pakistan Academy of Sciences
3-Constitution Avenue, G-5/2
Islamabad, Pakistan
Tel: +92-51-920 7140
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