In vitro Propagation of Potato Cultivar under Abiotic Stress
Potato propagation under abiotic stress
Potato, propagation, Environmental factors, ExplantAbstract
The research study was conducted to explore the abiotic effects on in vitro propagation of “Karuda” potato cultivar. Potato shoot tips were cultured on Murashige and Skoog medium (MS media) with varying pH (4.8-8.8). Best results were shown when explant was cultured on MS medium with adjusted pH 5.8 with numbers of nodes (8), shoot length (6.5 cm), numbers of leaves (7), numbers of roots (2), followed by numbers of nodes (3), shoot length (4.5 cm), numbers of leaves (2), numbers of roots (1) at pH 5.8. Different light conditions and temperature variations were also examined. The results declared that there was a significant difference in numbers of nodes (4), shoot length (4.9 cm), numbers of leaves (4.7), numbers of roots (1) were more at 25°C followed by numbers of nodes (3), shoot length (1.5), numbers of leaves (7), numbers of roots (3) at 30 °C while negligible growth was recorded at 40°C. The 2 mg/L BAP cytokinin+0.1 mg/L NAA showed maximum growth in potato. Moreover, this study also showed that light and dark conditions also affected plant growth. It is evident that environmental factors pose a great impact on plant growth.
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