Impact of Eutrophication on Shallow Marine Water near Karachi Coast, Pakistan
Impact of Eutrophication on Marine Water
Echo System, shallow marine water, coastal belt, oxygen level, phosphorus level, TDSAbstract
The coastal belt of Karachi, Pakistan was studied to estimate the nutritional levels of shallow seawater. It is investigated to study the localized eutrophication phenomena in the coastal region of Ibrahim Haideri and Karachi Port Trust at Kemari. It was found that the coastal regions of Port Qasim, Clifton and Hawke’s Bay Beach when compared with the coastal regions of Ibrahim Haideri and Karachi Port Trust Kemari are more impacted with anthropogenic contamination. Over presence of reactive nitrogen and other nutrients were the indication of disposal of solid waste, sewage effluent and industrial effluents. Oxygen depletion due to localized eutrophication causes too much death of biotic components of marine ecosystems that in turn sink to the bottom of shallow water of Ibrahim Haideri and coastal areas of Karachi Port Trust. This phenomenon increases the microbial decomposition, which in turn decreases the average oxygen level to 6.71 mg/L to 6.99 mg/L at Coastal region of Ibrahim Haideri and Karachi Port Trust respectively. The ammonia, nitrogen was calculated as average 22.48 ppm in the seawater samples collected from Ibrahim Haideri and Karachi Port Trust. The average of total phosphorus in the collected from both these coastal
regions were estimated as 1.164 mg/L, with high TDS and TSS values, i.e. average 51598.5 mg/L and 862.75 mg/L
in the seawater.
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