Differential Performance of Wheat Genotypes for Grain Yield, Phosphorus Uptake and Utilization at Low and High Phosphorus
Evaluation of PUE in wheat genotypes
Phosphorus efficiency index, Phosphorus utilization, Plant nutrition, Wheat genotypeAbstract
A pot experiment was conducted to test grain yield response and phosphorus use efficiency (PUE) in 10 wheat genotypes at low (10 mg P kg−1 soil) and high (40 mg P kg−1 soil) soil phosphorus (P) levels. The genotypes differed significantly (P < 0.05) for grain yield, P uptake and P efficiency indices at each P level. Phosphorus stress factor (PSF) varied between 0.15 and 30.1%, signifying the differential P responsiveness of the wheat genotypes. Each parameter was assigned an index score of 1, 2, or 3 for its low, medium, or high grade of performance at each P level. Furthermore, the genotypes were grouped into six categories based on their grain yield and total P uptake at low P level. Genotypes EST-28/11 and MSH-3 with high grain yield (8.42 and 7.95 g pot−1) and high P uptake (38.0 and 30.9 mg P pot-1), and NIA-Sunder with high grain yield (8.33 g pot-1) but medium P uptake (23.9 mg P pot-1) at low P level can be selected for P deficient soils. Genotypes EST-28/11, MSH-3 and NIA-Sunder also attained high total index scores (25, 23 and 23) at low P level. Such type of categorization will aid in breeding programs for improving nutrient use efficiency.
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