Pakistan has the 2nd Highest Growth Rate in Medical Sciences Research Publications for the Year 2019-2020: Comparison with 46 Countries

Bibliometric Analysis of Medical Sciences Research in Pakistan for the Year 2019-2020


  • Waseem Hassan Institute of Chemical Sciences, University of Peshawar, Peshawar 25120, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
  • Amina Ara Institute of Chemical Sciences, University of Peshawar, Peshawar 25120, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan



Scopus, Medical Sciences, Research Growth Rate, Pakistan


In 2020, Forty-Six (n=46) countries have published at least three thousand research documents in the field of Medical Sciences. Based on the number of publications, the top three countries are United States (202373/26.65 %), China (116155/15.30 %), and United Kingdom (58892/7.75 %). We also calculated the relative growth rate (GR) (for the year 2019-2020) of 46-countries. The highest GR was recorded for Saudi Arabia (n=44.31), Pakistan (n=37.58), and Nigeria (n=37.36). We extended the idea and explored the publication details of Pakistan. From 1947 to 2000, Pakistan published 4378 research documents, while from 2001 to 2020, it published 41889 research documents. Based on the number of publications, the list of top 50 researchers, universities, and sources are described. Some of the prominent features for this astonishing increase in research publication output are the establishment of the higher education commission (HEC) Islamabad, an increase in the number of research scholars, faculty, universities, national educational budget, funding, and international collaboration. Although based on the number of publications Pakistan holds 42nd position in the world. But it has a meager share of 0.19 % in the total global production (n=23905729). This confirms that strong policies, planning, and management are required to improve the overall research progress.


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How to Cite

Hassan, W. ., & Ara, A. . (2021). Pakistan has the 2nd Highest Growth Rate in Medical Sciences Research Publications for the Year 2019-2020: Comparison with 46 Countries: Bibliometric Analysis of Medical Sciences Research in Pakistan for the Year 2019-2020. Proceedings of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences: B. Life and Environmental Sciences, 58(3), 43–54. (58-3)661



Research Articles