Marble Goby (Oxyeleotris marmorata Bleeker, 1852) Habitat Mapping on Cirata Reservoir in West Java Province, Indonesia
Marble Goby (Oxyeleotris marmorata Bleeker, 1852) Habitat Mapping on Cirata Reservoir
Cirata reservoir, habitat mappings, Marble Gobby, reproductive performanceAbstract
This research was conducted to know the pattern of distribution of Marble Goby based on reproductive performance. It was carried out at five research stations namely Jangari, Ciputri, Inlet Citarum River, Inlet Cibalagung River and Tegal Datar from January to March, 2016. Identification activities were performed at Aquaculture Laboratory in Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Universitas Padjadjaran. Different reproductive parameters including Relative Abundance, Sex Ratio, Gonad Level Maturity (GLM), Gonad Maturity Index, Hepatosomatic Index (HSI) and Fecundity were observed. The data were analyzed in a descriptive exploratory. The fish reproductive performance at each research station was almost the same. Gonad Index Maturity of male Marble Goby was between 0.03 % to 0.78 % while in female between 0.25 % to 17.59 %. HSI in female fish was found to vary from 0.92 % to 9.37 %. Fecundity ranged between 1 586 grains to 63 942 grains. Regarding characteristic reproductive performance, this study revealed that Marble Goby were doing spawning on Jangari, Ciputri, inlet Citarum, Cibalagung, and Tegal Datar waters, in January during the rainy season, and in Jangari waters spawning was observed until February.
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