Alpha Mangosteen Effect on MDA Level and the Pancreatic Morphology Rattus norvegicus (Berkenhout, 1769) Induced by Alloxan
Alpha Mangosteen Effect on MDA Level and the Pancreatic Morphology
Beta cells, Diabetes mellitus, Garcinia mangostana L., Lipid peroxidationAbstract
The alpha mangosteen compound is a single compound isolated from rind extract Garcinia mangostana Linn, known to have antidiabetic bioactivity. This research aimed to determine the effect of the α-mangosteen compound on Malondialdehyde (MDA) and rats pancreatic tissue induced with type 2 Diabetes mellitus. Twentyfour Wistar male rats were divided into four groups, each group consisting of six rats. The first group was set as a positive control, rats injected with a single dose of 150 mg kg–1 alloxan. The second group was the negative control, which means that no treatment. The third group was injected with a single dose of 150 mg kg–1 alloxan and α-mangosteen compound 10 mg kg–1, while the last group was injected with a single dose of 150 mg kg–1 alloxan and 10 mg kg–1 standard drug glibenclamide. All groups were monitored for 3 wk, and blood sugar levels were measured using a Glucose meter. Blood samples were taken for the measurement of MDA, and the pancreas organ was removed for histological study. This research showed that the difference of MDA level between α-mangosteen compound
treatment and glibenclamide was only 0.481 8. It means that the α-mangosteen compound can reduce MDA levels alike the standard drug glibenclamide capabilities. Islets of Langerhans on normal pancreatic mice (control (-)) looked filling full with the endocrine cells spread throughout the pancreas. While at the control group (+) there was a roomempty space (fewer the number of beta cells) in islets of Langerhans. On the treatment groups, those were giving α-mangosteen, and drug compounds standard (glibenclamide) showed improvement in Langerhans β cells compared with a treatment group of diabetic mice (control+). The administration of α-mangosteen compound 10 mg kg–1 BW able to decrease MDA level 1.204 7 nmol dl–1. While based on histological observations of the pancreas showed that the alpha mangosteen treatment group showed improvement of Langerhans β cells compared to the diabetic rat group (positive control)
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