Comparative Suitability of Various Growth Media for Producing Cucumber Transplants
Suitability of Growth Media for Producing Cucumber Transplants
Cucumber, Seedlings, peat, compost and traditional mediAAbstract
Peat is generally used as a medium for growing cucumber, which is highly expensive.Many wastes which are useless by-products of vegetables production process can be useful as organic materials with potential applications. These wastes can be used as alternatives to peat. The study was conducted in a plastic house at Directorate of Vegetable, Department of Horticultural Research &Development, National Agricultural Research Centre, Islamabad. Peat, compost and farmyard manure alone and in combination were compared for producing cucumber seedlings. Maximum germination (96.33%), seedlings shoot length (28.33 cm), seedling height (38.67 cm), seedling vigor index (38.67) and minimum days to emergence (16.33) were found in T9 (peat, compost and Traditional practicing media in 1:1:1 ratio). Maximum dry matter accumulation (38.50 %) was recorded in T4 (Peat and compost, in 1:1/2 ratio) and maximum benefit cost ratio (1.87) was recorded in T2 (compost).
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