Spatio-Temporal Study on Groundwater Quality of Khairpur City, Sindh, Pakistan
Groundwater Quality, Khairpur
Groundwater, Water quality, Seepage, Canal Lining, pH, TDS, ECAbstract
The Mir Wah canal divides the Khairpur city into Luqman main and city area. Groundwater quality of the Khairpur city fully depends upon this canal. In 2011, district government initiated a project of lining of Mirwah canal. It adversely affected the quality of groundwater due to reduction in seepage losses of water which otherwise recharged groundwater resources and maintained its quality with sweet water addition. Groundwater quality of the Khairpur district is unable to drink. Before 2011, the groundwater quality of the Khairpur city was good. Main objective of the project was to save losses and seepage of canal water. This study was conducted to evaluate the groundwater quality and to compare the results of 2007 with the current situation. Three parameters pH, Total Dissolved Solid (TDS) and Electric Conductivity (EC) were analyzed in the laboratory. Twelve samples of ground water were collected from different sampling locations. The results of the current study were compared with the results of previous study to perform temporal analysis.
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