Spatial Modeling for Silvofishery and Greenbelt to Reduce the Risk of Sea Level Rise in Indramayu Coastal Area, West Java-Indonesia
Spatial Modeling for Silvofishery and Greenbelt
Komplangan, Mangrove, Suitable silvofishery, Tidal flood modelingAbstract
Global warming increases the sea-level of Java Sea by averagely 5 mm yr–1. The sea level rise (SLR) induces environmental and social problems in coastal area of Indramayu. This research aimed to model coastal hazard and its impact on land use, as well as to construct a silvofishery and green belt modeling. The research method consisted of four steps, namely (i) tidal flood modeling in SLR scenarios by iteration and neighborhood operation based on DEM, (ii) land use mapping based on satellite imagery, (iii) the inundation-affected landuse mapping by superimposed analysis, and (iv) the spatial modeling for silvofishery and green belt. The silvofishery and green belt modeling is the solution prepared for planning mangrove belt and fishpond by conducting a shoreline buffer analysis based on the Minister of Environment Decree No. 201/2004. Fishpond is the most largely-impacted land use by SLR. There are more than 2 000 ha of fishpond inundated in the 25-cm SLR scenario, and more than 12 000 ha in the 100-cm scenario. Inundation causes not only damages to physical infrastructures but also economic losses. The suitable silvofishery type for Indramayu coastal area is Komplangan. The area between 0 m to1 000 m from shoreline should be covered by mangrove with a ratio 70 % to 90 %. Intensive aquaculture activity could be safely done in the area located more than 3 000 m from the shoreline with mangrove plants occupying 20 % to 50 %. This result provides input for the inundation management in coastal aquaculture area affected by sea level rise.
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