Design and Analysis of a Slotted Patch Antenna for Dualband Millimeter-Wave Applications

Design and Analysis of a Slotted Patch Antenna


  • Syed Muhammad Umar Department of Telecommunication Engineering, UET, Mardan, Pakistan
  • Wasi U Rehman Khan Department of Telecommunication Engineering, UET, Mardan, Pakistan
  • Sadiq Ullah Department of Telecommunication Engineering, UET, Mardan, Pakistan
  • Manzoor Khan Department of Telecommunication Engineering, UET, Mardan, Pakistan
  • Shahid Bashir Department of Electrical Engineering, UET, Peshawar, Pakistan


Millimeter wave, Patch antenna, Dual band


n this article a low cost, efficient and high flexible dual band slotted patch antenna has been designed for point to point and broadband high-speed wireless communication. For high data rate transmission and wideband spectrum, a low resistivity silicon substrate has been used having relative permittivity of 11.9, thickness of 0.275 mm and tangent loss of 0.002. The proposed slotted patch antenna has been designed for millimeter wave band operating at 57.52 GHz (V-Band) and 70.64 GHz (E-Band) applications. Two inverted U-shaped slots have been introduced on both sides of the patch to get the dual band operation. The Jerusalem-shape slot is used for achieving good impedance matching and better bandwidth. The antenna achieved a wide bandwidth of 1.82 GHz and 1.06 GHz with a maximum gain of 4.546 dB and 2.770 dB at 57.52 GHz and 70.64 GHz, respectively. The antenna achieves a radiation efficiency of 89.68% and 93.21% at 57.52 GHz and 70.64 GHz frequency bands respectively. The overall size of the antenna is 2.36x2.63 mm2 and can be used in portable gigabit speed applications.


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How to Cite

Muhammad Umar, S., Khan, W. U. R., Ullah, S., Khan, M., & Bashir, S. . (2021). Design and Analysis of a Slotted Patch Antenna for Dualband Millimeter-Wave Applications: Design and Analysis of a Slotted Patch Antenna. Proceedings of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences: A. Physical and Computational Sciences, 57(1), 31–36. Retrieved from


