Practices for Clients in the Adoption of Hybrid Cloud

Practices for Clients in the Adoption of Hybrid Cloud


  • Siffat Ullah Khan Software Engineering Research Group (SERG_UOM), Department of Computer Science & IT, University of Malakand, Lower Dir, Pakistan
  • Naeem Ullah Software Engineering Research Group (SERG_UOM), Department of Computer Science & IT, University of Malakand, Lower Dir, Pakistan


Practices/solutions, hybrid cloud computing, client organizations, systematic literature review, empirical study


Hybrid cloud has received considerable attention in recent years. Many companies all overthe world are inclined towards the adoption of hybrid cloud for increasing their efficiency and reducing cost of their IT services. Hybrid cloud reaps the benefits of both public and private clouds by combining the public cloud’s cost savings and elasticity with a private cloud’s security, control, and customization. However, client organizations should follow the best practices while adopting hybrid cloud. In this research paper efforts have been made to identify the best practices for addressing hybrid cloud adoption challenges from client’s perspective. We have performed Systematic Literature Review (SLR) and identified 46 practices for addressing the challenges faced by client organizations in the adoption of hybrid cloud. The identified practices were validated through empirical study in cloud based industry. The results are beneficial to any client organization that is going to deploy hybrid cloud. The identified
practices may assist client organizations in mitigation/avoidance of the challenges faced by the clients in the adoption of hybrid cloud.


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How to Cite

Khan, S. U. ., & Ullah, N. . (2021). Practices for Clients in the Adoption of Hybrid Cloud: Practices for Clients in the Adoption of Hybrid Cloud. Proceedings of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences: A. Physical and Computational Sciences, 54(1), 13–32. Retrieved from




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