Empirical Exploration of Communication and Coordination Practices in Offshore Software Development Outsourcing

Communication and Coordination Practices in Offshore Software Development Outsourcing


  • Rafiq Ahmad Khan Software Engineering Research Group, Department of Computer Science & IT, University of Malakand, Lower Dir, Pakistan
  • Siffat Ullah Khan Software Engineering Research Group, Department of Computer Science & IT, University of Malakand, Lower Dir, Pakistan


Offshore software development outsourcing, communication and coordination, challenges, practices, empirical study


Offshore software development outsourcing (OSDO) has become an increasingly popular Global Software Engineering (GSE) paradigm for companies to rely the permanent improvement and tailoring with lower cost, in order to develop high quality software more efficiently. However, OSDO is not out of risks and software development organizations face various challenges like geographical dispersion, cultural and language differences, communication and coordination challenges and lack of ICTs etc. A research survey was conducted in OSDO industry to explore different communication and coordination challenges and its mitigation in OSDO relationships. Data were collected through questionnaire survey from 42 experts relevant to outsourcing companies. Our findings reveal that cultural differences, geographical dispersion, language differences, lack of ICT/technological cohesion, lack of credence and lack of informal/face-to-face communication are the critical challenges faced by OSDO vendors in communication and coordination process with their client organizations in outsourcing relationships. We have also identified a total of 75 practices in order to mitigate these critical challenges. The understanding of these challenges and its practices will assist OSDO vendors in order to successfully plan and manage communication and coordination activities in OSDO relationship with their clients.


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How to Cite

Khan, R. A. ., & Khan, S. U. . (2021). Empirical Exploration of Communication and Coordination Practices in Offshore Software Development Outsourcing: Communication and Coordination Practices in Offshore Software Development Outsourcing. Proceedings of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences: A. Physical and Computational Sciences, 54(1), 41–54. Retrieved from http://ppaspk.org/index.php/PPAS-A/article/view/261




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